Every day at Yale Cleaners, we clean, starch and press several thousand men’s dress shirts. Over the years this adds up to hundreds of thousands of shirts processed. Some shirts we only press once, while others will be cleaned numerous times. But did you know, manufacturers design and construct shirts ...Read More
At 12, William Curtis Rothrock IV, known as Curt to everyone, began working at Yale Cleaners, officially marking the start of a fourth generation of family members to join the company.It was a humble beginning, though. He wasn’t given special treatment or passes to avoid the hard work.In fact, he ...Read More
Dry Cleaners' Guide: Dress Shirts That Last!
Every day at Yale Cleaners, we clean, starch and press several thousand men’s dress shirts. Over the years this adds up to hundreds of thousands of shirts processed. Some shirts we only press once, while others will be cleaned numerous times. But did you know, manufacturers design and construct shirts ...Read More
At 12, William Curtis Rothrock IV, known as Curt to everyone, began working at Yale Cleaners, officially marking the start of a fourth generation of family members to join the company.It was a humble beginning, though. He wasn’t given special treatment or passes to avoid the hard work.In fact, he ...Read More
The dry cleaner's dirty secret: Dirty solvent
The dry cleaning industry has a dirty little secret.Many dry cleaners actually use dirty solvent to clean your clothes, but Yale Cleaners is clearly different. But before we get into the details, you may be asking yourself – what is dry cleaning solvent?Dry cleaning really is a simple process that ...Read More
Yale Cleaners offers first in the nation same-day, on-demand dry cleaning delivery
Let’s face it: When looking at our errand list, we’re really great at dropping off our laundry to the cleaners. But, after a hectic day with even more left to do, it seems harder to carve out time to make it back by the cleaners to pick it up.We hear ...Read More
Longtime Yale Expert Retiring After 35 Years
35 years ago, a country girl from Oklahoma City moved to Tulsa looking for a fresh start. Lenda Schoemann had been working at her family’s dry cleaner since she was a young teen. So, when she received a call from then President, Bill Rothrock of Yale Cleaners offering her a ...Read More
Start off 2021 organized: Tips to tame your closet
The new year always begins with it lots of dedication to doing better – eating healthy, scheduling exercise and tackling home projects always top the list of New Year’s resolutions.Often, we abandon these new ideals as real life kicks in after the holidays. But, here is a resolution that you ...Read More
Yale Cleaners began with family, stayed with family
After beginning in a storefront on Route 66, two brothers-in-law joined forces to buy Yale Cleaners from founder Jim Hodges. And it’s been a family affair ever since.In fact, dry cleaning was in the family’s blood even before they bought Yale Cleaners in 1959.“Our dry cleaning history really dates back ...Read More
34th Annual Trav's Coats for Kids Coat Drive runs through Dec. 31
At Yale Cleaners, our favorite time of year is the annual Trav’s Coats for Kids coat drive, and we’re kicking off the 34th annual drive this month.This year, the 34th Annual Trav’s Coats for Kids coat drive began Nov. 1 and will run through Dec. 31. Gently used coats are ...Read More
On My Way app feature provides contactless, quicker pick-up service - with a 20% discount
Yale Cleaners is proud to announce a new feature – On My Way – as a part of the Yale Cleaners Plus service, accessed through the Yale Cleaners app.The in-app feature will provide additional safety measures, reduce wait time during pickup and lower costs for customers. Using On My Way, ...Read More
Dry Cleaning Expert: Rafael Espitia
Everybody knows Yale Cleaners for their Speed, Service, and Dependability. Those things are made possible because of our amazing staff who work day after day. It’s their commitment to serving customers that has built Yale’s reputation as being the premier Dry Cleaner in Tulsa, Oklahoma and surrounding areas.One man you ...Read More
Turn Up the Heat, The Value of Drycleaning in the Wake of the Coronavirus
Updated: 3/17/2020Yale Cleaners is asking customers to please only use our covered drive through service.Customers dropping off clothing should place those items in the backseat, or trunk of their car. Alternately, use your passenger seat.Also, we are no longer accepting recycled hangers at this time.Yale Cleaners is an essential service ...Read More
Dry Cleaning Expert: Brad Doss
Every day at Yale Cleaners, we promise our customers same day dry cleaning and shirt laundry service; drop off by 12, ready by 5. With 12 full service dry cleaning plants, utilizing hundreds of dry cleaning machines, washers and presses, a lot can go wrong. To help us deliver on ...Read More
Tulsa's Favorite Dry Cleaner For 75 Years
What an amazing accomplishment, this year Yale Cleaners is celebrating our 75th anniversary in business. From our humble beginnings of a single store on Route 66, to currently twelve locations serving Tulsa, Owasso, Broken Arrow, and Sapulpa. As our city has grown, so have we. My family and I are ...Read More
It's An Ink War - Hairspray VS A Professional Dry Cleaner
I have been a dry cleaner for more than 25 years. During this time, I have seen and heard a lot of crazy things. However, there is one urban stain removal legend that stands out above the rest. This myth is so prevalent, it's been on the Oprah Show, is ...Read More
5 Things You Need To Know When Selecting A New Dry Cleaner
It might sound totally crazy, but the first thing you should do when selecting a new dry cleaner is look at the quality of their laundered shirts. For a dry cleaner, a perfect dress shirt is the hardest item to consistently get right every time. For the customer, it is ...Read More
Dry Cleaning Expert: Bill Rothrock
Yale Cleaners expert Bill Rothrock, III is a third-generation dry cleaner that started learning the business at a young age from his grandpa Jim. Bill would follow his grandpa through the main plant and watch him remove stains from clothes. Watching his grandpa work his magic to remove a tough ...Read More
Car Hop Service
Did you know Yale Cleaners debuted Oklahoma's first Car Hop Service in 1981?When my grandpa Jim and father Bill came up with the idea, no one had ever heard of the concept. In fact, grandpa asked Dad, "What are we going to call it?" Dad stated, "Car Hop Service" after ...Read More
Dry Cleaners' Guide: Dress Shirts That Last!
We all know that feeling, the moment you find the perfect dress shirt. From the way it looks, to the way it fits, everything is simply perfect. Now imagine the feeling when your favorite shirt doesn't look or fit the way it did when it was first purchased. It's very ...Read More
New Customer Letter and Gift Certificate
Dear New Yale Customer,Yale Cleaners is a small family business dedicated to providing Tulsans’ with the best dry cleaning experience.Yale makes going to the dry cleaners convenient with 11 locations in Tulsa, Broken Arrow, Owasso and Sapulpa; close to where you live or work. Our cleaning facilities feature many creature ...Read More
Dry Cleaning, The Yale Way
A few weeks ago, I received a very humbling review from Brian, a long time Yale Cleaners' customer. Recently Brian moved from Tulsa, Oklahoma to Sherman, Texas. As you would expect, Brian being in a new town meant he had to seek out new businesses and service providers. In his ...Read More
Award of Excellence
If there was any doubt in your mind that Tulsa's Yale Cleaners was among the best of the best in the garment cleaning industry, you can put your doubts to rest.Yale Cleaners has been awarded the 2017 Award of Excellence in Quality Cleaning and Customer Service from the Dry Cleaning ...Read More
3 Brides, 1 Dress - A Family Tradition!
Rebecca Granados had already been married a month when she emerged at the top of the stairs wearing her wedding dress. Her third-generation wedding dress. The same dress her mother and grandmother had worn before her. At the bottom of the stairs, among a throng of people eagerly awaiting the ...Read More
Submit it and forget it!
We have all been there before...you are wearing your favorite shirt, then suddenly out of nowhere, you get a stain on the front. Or, you’re putting on your best dress shirt and you find a missing or broken button. Your closet is already full of dirty clothes, so you fill ...Read More
Spot On! Advice From An Expert
Stain, stain, go away; yet another stain, some other day. We've all had that feeling . . . you’re about ready to meet someone you want to impress, and then, BAM it happens. You get a stain that stares right back at you without flinching.What should you do?Everyone has heard ...Read More
The cleaners ate my pants, so now what!?
Who hasn’t heard or said the phrase, “I got taken to the cleaners”? When something goes wrong, our industry is notorious for having poor communication; leaving customers feeling duped.To be honest, resolving customer disputes can be very tricky. That’s why it’s important to know your dry cleaner’s claims policy. Will ...Read More
Tips for getting your closet ORGANIZED and de-cluttered in 2015
The new year is off and running and resolutions are in place so now is the time to de-clutter and organize your closet. Here are a few tips to help get you started:Before you begin to organize your closet this year, consider donating items you have not worn in years. ...Read More
A 15-Year-Old's First Job, A Second Family
I'll never forget my first Yale Cleaners experience.I walked in to one of the south Tulsa locations at 91st and Yale and asked timidly if I could see the manager. I was a 15-and-a-half year-old sophomore in high school at the time, and I'd never asked to see a manager ...Read More
Livin’ On Tulsa Time - An outsider’s View of Yale Cleaners…
I moved to Tulsa at the beginning of the summer. I spent the summer getting used to the new environment and becoming aware of all that Tulsa has to offer. As I pushed through the challenge of finding the locations of my favorite stores, I noticed the many Yale Cleaners ...Read More
Your cleanest dirty shirt, a guide to staying fresh.
Have you ever wondered how many times you should wear your clothes before cleaning them? Wouldn’t it be nice if clothing manufacturers included this information on the care label? Look around, we are instructed all the time by different industries of how to care for our investments to extend their ...Read More
Shirts That Last, & The Ones To Avoid
UPDATED: Get the latest information on the best shirt brands. Read “Dry Cleaners' Guide: Dress Shirts That Last!” ...Read More
Passionate About Pink!
Pinktober is in full swing and everywhere you look you can’t help but notice all the businesses, schools, churches and individuals sporting some form of pink. If you have visited one of Yale’s stores this month, you probably noticed that we have joined the pink bandwagon as well. For three ...Read More